Pilates at The Body Junction
Pilates is a gentle system of exercises designed to improve physical strength, flexibility and posture. It is a great exercise for enhancing mental awareness.
Our Pilates classes consist of very gentle exercises done on a mat in either a sitting or laying down position. The primary focus is on awareness of the spine, proper breathing, core strength and flexibility. The outcome of Pilates training is a balanced body which is strong and supple, flat stomach, balanced legs and strong back. Our classes are suitable for all ages.
Next Beginners Induction TBC
However you can come along to any of our beginners classes throughout the term by booking online.
Tuesdays 11.15am with Charlotte
Wednesdays 5.45pm with Liz
Thursdays 9.20am with Laura
Book Here
Booking Information:
60min 1 to 1 sessions
with Charlotte, Katy or Laura
Please phone 01424 215300 to book.
Find Us

The Body Junction is located opposite Collington Railway Station as you exit the station on the north platform, on the corner of Terminus Avenue and Sutherland Avenue.
Note: You cannot access Sutherland Avenue from Collington Avenue as it is a one-way road. If you are driving, you will have to go along Terminus Avenue and park on the road or in our car park.